Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A beautiful sight

Changing winds for sure... as I left the lounge of the shala (after a wonderful talk with Georgie and Sarah P-C) and walked back to my room to snuggle in for the night, I looked up at the beautiful full moon... and then gradually took my gaze to my left, toward the opposite horizon... 

And what did I see???  A gentle arch in the sky... and I'm thinking, what is that?

Well, believe it or not, it was a NIGHT RAINBOW created by the sprinkling rain and full moon!!!!!!!!!!

Most people I love know how much I love rainbows, and how I drew them all the time as a child, and my mother even helped me paint the sky on my bedroom walls so I could put up a large paper rainbow on the wall.  Rainbows have turned up at many significant points in my life.

This rainbow was pure beauty, pure grace, a real gift.

I ran back to the shala lounge and told Georgie and Sarah P-C to come have a look, and they did.  Then, when Sarah P-C was making her way back to the yurt, she saw the full arch from left to right on the horizon, looking at it from the front of the house.  Thankfully, she ran back to get me so I could see the entirety of its beauty.  Sarah P-C even told John and Lucy about it.  We obviously don't want to disturb their home evenings, but we figured this was a good reason.

What an amazing gift, an amazing sight to behold.  Pure light and beauty, and thus, gratitude.

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